Saturday, October 11, 2008

"7 Ways to Reinforce Spelling in the Classroom"- video
I liked this video. It gave tips on how to build vocabulary in the classroom. Various strategies and methods given were:
1. posting words with phonetics
2. say, spell, write and draw the word
3. practice writing the words in a creative writing passage
4. Present a word with it's syllables
5. create a personal spelling journal
6. Keep parents informed of vocabulary words being learned
7. create a rule strategy which is a procedure the student will follow if they can't spell a word

These 7 tips skimmed the surface of the information read about in Chapter 5 of our text. The video promotes which sounds like another good tool for teachers to tap into. However, to use the site at it's fullest capacity, you need to be a paying member. They do offer a free newsletter. I signed up for that.

I believe that a text/book comes alive through meaning and the understanding of vocabulary. It is essential for comprehension and learning. Just to mention a few, utilizing graphic organizers puts words into perspective, dramatizing gives the word/s a sense of reality, and word play reinforces vocabulary in a fun way. I use these methods in my music class during my lessons on the various adaptations of Cinderella from different countries. We compare and contrast the stories with a venn diagram, act them out, do think alouds and reinforce vocabulary with crossword puzzles. I find the interaction and discussions, along with writing a script and performing it brings reality into the lessons and a multicultural awareness that my students can connect with. The school I teach at has students from many cultures. It brings their own experiences and knowledge to the forefront, motivates them and keeps them engaged.

The 7 tips given in the video overlap some of the techniques mentioned in our text, such as VSS, speaking, spelling, writing and drawing a word, using a dictionary to find a meaning, morphemic analysis, contextual analysis, and high frequency words. I especially liked the rule strategy created and explained in the video. It gives the student a process for being able to spell a word through their own efforts and gives them a chance to use various resources, including their peers, before seeking the teacher's help. This is student directed and is a very effective way to develop active word learners. I enjoyed the video, but find that the textbook is invaluable, clear and precise. For those reading this blog who are not in my graduate class, the textbook I referred to above is:
Creating Literacy- Instruction for all Students (2008- 6th edition) by Thomas G. Gunning.
The publisher is Pearson (Allyn and Bacon). This book is invaluable. It's a definite must have item!