Sunday, September 28, 2008

Letter Writing Lesson Video
This video shows an attempt at identifying the letter "f" in an abstract way. The success of the lesson depends not only on the accuracy of each student involved, but their ability to visualize what is being written through the sense of touch from behind them. It uses teamwork and prior knowledge. The letter "f" can be easily construed as a "t" if not carefully executed. As a result, the student's "felt" the letter incorrectly by the time the last person went. It's like playing telephone. The end result was unsuccessful. I would think that you could accomplish the same type of activity with better success if you had each child blindfolded and feeling the letter outlined with yarn on a piece of cardboard. This would give consistency to the shape of the letter for better recognition and would allow the child to identify it in a frontal position as they would do when reading or writing. As each child felt the letter I would have them write it on a personal slate board/white board for assessment purposes. I think the concept was a good one but the task involved too many factors leaning toward an unsuccessful result in the activity demonstrated. I do, however, feel that you should challenge your students, but never set them up for failure, especially at a young age. Encourage them, keep them interested with games such as this one, be creative, promote literacy, and at the same time, boost their self esteem.
This reading video uses various reading strategies to promote comprehension, interpretation, evaluation and analyzation. The lesson promotes literacy through understanding, repetition, movement, vocalization, vocabulary, reading, reasoning and higher order thinking skills. It brings the children into the story line and makes it an interactive experience in which they can draw from their own personal experiences and prior knowledge. I enjoyed it and hope you do.