Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Access! Efficacy Report- Article Critique

My Access, developed by Vantage Learning, is an instructional writing program that is web-based for grades 4 and up (through higher education). There are pre-writing activities, feedback given during the writing process and immediate scores given after final submissions The feedback is given through a feature called IntelliMetric, but feedback can also be given through the teacher (through the program). It provides holistic and analytical scores and has the ability to provide them in the student's vernacular language.

My Access also includes many writing genres. It is aligned with state standards and includes cross-curricular writing opportunities. Every student has an online portfolio which allows not only the student to see their progress, but their teacher, any adminiistrator and the district. Having access to the many tools available in the program helps students develop better writing skills and encourages them to improve and revise their work. With the teacher having control over the features offered, it can individualize a lesson and helps develop the student's weak areas through practice.

I believe that writing is something that must be done everyday and getting immediate feedback provides for an ongoing, comprehensive learning method that inspires maximum student achievement. I also believe that writing is an essential skill that should be practiced in all subject areas. This provides more opportunity for writing in the narrative, persuasive, informative, literary and expository style. Writing helps improve other subject areas, including reading skills. It helps develop critical thinking and reasoning skills. I have found that the more successful one is at writing, the more they'll want to write because they enjoy doing it! I feel this program will foster a love of writing to students.

Our youth is used to responding to immediate, accurate and incremental feedback. Douglas Reeves calls this the "Nintendo Effect". I agree with this term. They play video games to acquire a higher level and re-do them until they achieve the ultimate goal. Practice! Practice!
Practice! This is the way My Access works. Students are motivated to achieve a higher score by the ability to revise and re-submit their work. With My Access, students are given clear objectives, a rubric guide, can receive commentaries, and a set of instructional goals that are created by the teacher through the program.

The IntelliMetric scoring system is a learning engine that must be trained to score the student's work by being fed appropriately scored essays. According to the report, it appears to score more accurately than human experts. It is more consistent, immediate, and more efficient. The data says that the system gives a more accurate "true score" than the average score generated by 8-10 human experts. The scores also correlate with other methods of measurement, such as multiple choice, etc.

Many examples of evidence were given, by school districts, where students continuously improved their writing quality, increased personal writing skills and improved on state mandated writing scores. These schools were from areas of different socio-economic status and ranged from elementary through high school, including alternative education and "At Risk" schools. It showed the progress of the student's proficiency from their pre-test to the end of the year's post test. There were significant gains in writing scores, providing proof that the quality of writing is improved by using My Access. This program does appear to be effective in producing progress and improving writing skills. It keeps students engaged and motivated through its technology.

The feature "My Tutor", identifies weaknesses and gives feedback, contributing to improved writing skills. I think the rubrics and scoring system create the determination to revise and re-submit improved work also. Students can enjoy the luxury of revising, having a personal e-portfolio, receive immediate feedback and commentaries, and access helpful features/tools.
The program is user friendly and builds confidence in their writing ability through practice.

I enjoyed reading and learning about My Access. I find it exciting and beneficial for all. Using technology to improve skills, and receiving immediate feedback, is invaluable to each and every students learning. It is time efficient and motivating. The program enhances cognitive skills and is self-guided. I think it zeros in on individualized learning and develops good work habits. I feel the program develops a person's skills in all areas of learning through it's methods and medium.

My Access is an effective and complete writing program, with incremental continuity that motivates and keeps students engaged. Practice is the key to good writing skills. If your students want to get on the computer to write because they feel they can, then they will! The purchase of this web-based instructional tool was not mentioned, however it seems to reap many benefits. You can't put a price on education. If it works, it's worth it. Especially with NCLB requiring 100% proficiency by the year 2013. We have to explore all avenues and afford our students the best education possible. Why not this program! Let's empower students to help themselves. If you keep them interested, give them hope and encourage them to do the best they can, then they will! This efficacy report really showed the "power of producing effects".


Mr. Healy said...

Great critique, with much more information than the video! I find the "Nintendo Effect" fascinating and true. Students' attention must be grabbed and upheld throughout a class period.

I keep telling people, "gone are the days of the effective 40 minute lecture."

Dr. Luongo said...

Excellent points, MArianne.

And Dan, such an interesting thought...

Yes, a 40 minute lecture may not be the way to go... Yet, it is still there. However, with all the information and materials we have, it takes on a new form.

Is "the new way" better? Not necessarily... However, it is 2008 and we need to remember that we are educating students who will be citizens in the "new" world. Therefore, your 40 minute lecture will most likely include videos, PPTs, podcasts, calculators, cell phones, etc....

Great posting, Marianne.

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