Friday, December 5, 2008
This site contains recent articles about literacy in all categories concerning many topics, as well as research. There are many interesting articles to read. In your spare time, read some. You can subscribe to "Literacy Today". It's free! It posts articles as they are published. Enjoy!


Michael said...

I especially agree about how the teacher does not lead but facilitates the reading. her presence and input encourage the the students to actively engage the text on multiple levels. On my own blog I noted how difficult it is to set up such a guided reading at my own school. Nonetheless, a great arguement for its implementation is how truly engaged the students were. They were taking responsibility for their learning. They were active and not passive.

Lolliete said...

This is a good website. Thank you. I read some of the articles and they can be of great help for teachers to encourage students to enjoy literature.